Connecting to Keithley 6430 by Keithley in Python
Instrument Card
he 6½-digit Model 6430 Sub-Femtoamp Remote SourceMeter SMU Instrument can measure current with 1aA sensitivity. Its low noise and drift performance make it ideal for research on single electron devices, highly resistive nanowires and nanotubes, polymers, and electrochemical applications.
Device Specification: here
Manufacturer card: KEITHLEY
Keithley Instruments is a measurement and instrument company headquartered in Solon, Ohio, that develops, manufactures, markets, and sells data acquisition products, as well as complete systems for high-volume production and assembly testing.
- Headquarters: Cleveland, Ohio, United States
- Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 110.6
- Vendor Website: here
Demo: Measure a solar panel IV curve with a Keithley 2400
Connect to the Keithley 6430 in Python
Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.
To connect to a Keithley 6430 Multimeter using Qcodes Community, you can use the following Python script:
from import VisaInstrument
# Create a class for the Keithley 6430 Multimeterclass Keithley6430(VisaInstrument): def __init__(self, name, address, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, address, terminator="\n", **kwargs)
# Add parameters for the instrument self.add_parameter('source_current_compliance', unit='A', get_parser=float, set_cmd='SENS:CURR:PROT {}', get_cmd='SENS:CURR:PROT?', vals=Numbers(1e-9, 105e-3) ) # Add more parameters here...
# Connect to the Keithley 6430 Multimeterkeithley = Keithley6430('keithley', 'TCPIP0::')
# Set the source current compliancekeithley.source_current_compliance(0.1)
# Get the source current compliancecompliance = keithley.source_current_compliance()print(f"Source current compliance: {compliance} A")
# Close the connectionkeithley.close()
Note: Replace 'TCPIP0::'
with the actual address of your Keithley 6430 Multimeter.